Sex addicts anonymous meetings shreveport
Sex addicts anonymous meetings shreveport

sex addicts anonymous meetings shreveport sex addicts anonymous meetings shreveport

I call this the psychological addiction cycle. On top of this fact, YOUR remorse and disgrace sets up a vicious circle of more addiction self-reproach and further emotional seeking… With addiction…after all is said and done, the healing and love YOU need is as elusive as ever. Here’s the truth about the addiction cycle…You finish your over indulgent of this "SEEMING LOVE" and what your left with is NOT a sense of fulfillment or inner peace but uncomfortable over-fullness, regret, self-deprecation and defeat. Unfortunately, addiction never really placates your deeper core issue of AFD. If you haven’t learned optimistic and productive ways of healing and nurturing yourself, you then turn to the “false solutions” of addiction…Īnd Codependency in a group isn't a solution! Note that these ‘hurts’ fester just like a brain tumor in your subconscious adult mind, requiring your attention and healing.(in order to change an addiction long term). Resolve your APD and most physical habits can be changed in 4-6 weeks. Once the issue is resolved all there is habit…with addiction it is true that there is a physical habit.However, Your core issue is ALL IN YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND! The way to let go of addiction is to engage in an in-depth process of emotional healing and self-nurturing psychotherapy specifically for AFD.

sex addicts anonymous meetings shreveport

Unmistakably, depriving yourself of your addiction SYMPTOMS is no solution to your problem of emotional deficiency. The more YOU restrict your ‘SEEMING LOVE’ intake, the more deprived you can feel, and many addicts get to a point where they can’t take it any longer…cycling over and over. YOUR dysfunctional addiction compensates for what you didn’t get/have while growing up. I call these injuries “ARRESTED PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT” (APD)! I believe that two things cause many addictions…ġst the need to heal emotional injuries incurred during childhood and 2nd the need to give yourself the love, nurturing and comforting that wasn’t available in your past childhood. Honestly, how can You expect the symptom-relief (support group) to be effective long term at removing a brain tumor (addiction)? NOTE: If you’re only deal with the symptoms, you might be temporarily successful changing your behaviors, but You won’t actually address the real reasons for your Addictive behaviors… OK so if SUPPORT GROUPS merely deal with your symptoms and not with your real core issues… This is called the “group” or “Heard Mentality”?Ī “ Herd Mentality” is like a “ mob mentality” …this mentality describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain unhealthy behaviors, follow crazy trends, and/or purchase items whether they need them or not. The aspirin may relieve or ‘mask the pain’ of a tumor but DOESN’T remove the tumor.ĢND, most support groups creates an unhealthy codependency to the Group or its leaders by its very nature. Support is like taking an aspirin for a brain tumor. Support only controls the addictive behaviors of an addiction and these behaviors are only the SYMPTOMS of addiction. Most addictive behaviors are 100% Psychological in nature. SUPPORT, by its very nature, can’t conceivably work at getting to the core of an addiction. MANY do blame their failures on themselves verse the group. Maybe you’ve tried one or more SUPPORT GROUPS IN YOUR AREA, and when they failed you blamed yourself…. You probably already know this there is no Support Group out there that actually works. At the same time, I find numerous obstacles that I could not come to terms with.īottom-line… Support GROUPS/MEETINGS GENERALLY DON'T GET TO AND RELEASE THE DEEPER ISSUES LOCKED IN THE SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND.(that are at the ROOTS of any ADDICTION). I acknowledge the value of these programs in giving support and leadership to a few. I’m not here to bash any 12 step-program. UNDERSTAND that 12 STEP GROUPs are defective.ANONYMOUS GROUPS are hugely popular programs with, in my opinion, less than successful results (about a 5% remission rate across the board based upon there numbers). WHY Do Gambler’s Anonymous Meetings FAIL for 95% who enroll in USA?

Sex addicts anonymous meetings shreveport